I work with clients that long for deep-seated change in their life and are committed to seeing that longing through to fruition. Whether they are enthusiastic about the prospect of that change, overwhelmed by it or a bit of both at different moments at different times, my clients are enamored with the concept they envision for their life no matter how faint or vague the notion is.

I work with any area of my client's life in a session. I recognize that each area of my client's life is inexorably tied to the other areas. I note that my client's finances, relationships, health or spirit influence their work and vice versa. One area can show up in the present blocking the future of another. Therefore, regardless of the topic we are focusing on, I coach the entire client at hand. 

If some forgotten, silenced or cherished part of you is jumping up and down while reading this site desperate to be noticed, heard or paid attention to, I wholeheartedly urge you to take the plunge and click the button below to inquire about a series of sessions with me. I would love to explore the seed that brought you to this site or any that have started blossoming while reading.

When a person really desires something, all the universe conspires to help that person to realize his dream
— Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

If a flood of voices unleashed themselves in your mind in response to just thinking about clicking, loudly or rapidly explaining why you can't or shouldn't, at least not right now, perhaps outlining why it’s impractical or silly, I encourage you not to be deterred by them. They are a common and natural sign that you are onto something noteworthy and we can start right there in our sessions.


“Over the past six months, Laura has helped me transform my perspective on my relationships with myself, my work, and everyone I'm interacting with including peers, coworkers, prospective customers, investors, and more. I approached coaching excited and open but also skeptical as to the tangible results that I would find. Quickly, I found Laura's patience and intuition to be incredibly powerful as she guided through six months of learning and growing. I left every session feeling a renewed energy and confidence and having gained a new insight into myself and my motivations.

Laura serves as a guide rather than directly as a teacher, helping you to find the answers or methods that work for you while offering her wisdom rather than being told the "right" way to approach something. I've become a better leader and coworker than in the past while also greatly improving my relationship with my work and myself. And these results have also translated to great results for my business. I highly recommend Laura to anyone in search of new perspective or rejuvenating their professional and/or personal lives.”

"My coaching sessions with Laura have been, and continue to be, a true personal awakening. From our first session, Laura fostered an environment where I felt comfortable and safe delving into my most hidden voices. This included bringing to the surface my real fears, and ambitions, as well as speaking to my own personal doubts, guilts, and voices that were weighing me down. Our sessions are some of the only times I allow myself the space, time and energy to halt my routine and slow down, breath deep, and really delve into myself. 

Many of our sessions focused on my questioning my role and ambitions in the pursuit of my 'career'. While I would typically feel murky, clouded and at a loss of words at the start of our sessions, I felt like Laura was at once able to make me feel comfortable, help me organize my thoughts, and shed light on what I was feeling. Laura also has the incredible ability to sense when I was holding back in a session. She would challenge me in these moments. Ask me to dig deeper. And time and time again, by allowing the space for delving deeper into my own vulnerability, I would be rewarded by Laura's insight, sensitive understanding, and constructive methods for moving forward. 

While the effects are many, one specific example of the real impact these sessions have had on my day to day has been in my ability to clearly communicate my goals, needs, and aspirations with my employers. For the first time, I am beginning to feel some clarity in what it is I am looking for in my work, what values I want to prioritize, and how to ask for the opportunities I aspire to.

I am excited to continue working with Laura through this dynamic journey in understanding myself better, visualizing new ways of moving closer to the things I am most passionate about, and amplifying my inner strengths, to which Laura helps me ring clear."